
Friday, June 29, 2012

Are You Living At Work?

Today while sitting at my desk, I realized that I had been living under a large misconception. Somehow I had been fed the idea that my job or "work" would be a separate piece of my life...that it wouldn't be integrated into the whole. I would go to work during the day, but then come home in the evening and live my life. That's why everyone looks forward to the weekends, right? That's when you actually get to live! 

Simply not true. And if it is true for you, that's pathetic because you're wasting around 40% of your waking hours. After 4 weeks of full-time employment I've realized how much of an integral piece of my life my job is.  That being said, I have three tips for those of you who are just out college and looking for your first job (and I suppose for those of you who are looking to change jobs):

  1. Choose a job you like and that inspires you: I spend close to 50 hours a week at my job...and I love it! A large portion of that is because I like what I do and because I know my job is an integrated component of my life. Another portion of that is I know that I'm impacting the lives of thousands and perhaps millions of people every day. 
  2. Choose a company that fits who you are: Know your strengths and what energizes you and find a company that will let you do those things! I absolutely love learning, building relationships with customers, and taking responsibility for projects. At Epic, I've been encouraged to do all of these things from day 1. I couldn't find any other company that would let me do that right out of college. 
  3. Choose a company that hires people you want to be like: The environment and the people we're around shape us. Fact. That being said, this tip should be obvious. I have yet to meet a person here that is not passionate, creative, and full of life. Not to mention they're all brilliant! 
I think in hearing all the advice about keeping your work life and home life separate we take it a little to the extreme. I'm not endorsing you checking work emails at 9pm at home (don't get crazy), but I am saying that you are living while you're at work. Act like it. Get to know your neighbors in the cubical or office next to yours, ask your boss about the kids in the picture on his/her desk, be aware that your officemate's spouse is in Africa! Yeah, she's in Africa! I was like, "WHAT!" 

What is your work/life philosophy? Where did you get it from?
How do you view your job? Is it integrated with or separated from the rest of your life? 

And to answer my title question, I certainly hope you are. 


  1. Powerful thoughts! :) I firmly believe that we are supposed to live life to its fullest and take advantage of every precious hour, including at work!

    General comment as well, I love reading your blog :) as a fellow introvert, writing is such a freeing activity!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you're finding freedom in writing as well! Having so many thoughts in your head can make you crazy! It's kind of weird thinking about writing things and posting them online, but I'm getting used to it =)
