
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In The Beginning...

Lake Mendota Sunset in Madison

As I mentioned in the Intro, I started a new job in Madison, WI a few weeks ago. On that first Monday there were 309 other new hires with me. I had just moved to Madison the previous Friday. It actually wasn't as much of a whirlwind as I expected it might be. I'm so thankful that my dad and brother came up with me to move me in on Friday and then my mom came up on Saturday to hang out and help me unpack (let’s be honest, she did most of the unpacking). The following are a few very short snapshots into my first 5 days. 

One should only walk around the capitol square counterclockwise during the weekly Farmers' Market! 

On Saturday morning my dad and I walked downtown to the bank which is conveniently located on the opposite side of the square...we were swimming upstream the entire time. 

"Hey. There's a disco right down the street if you want to party later." 

If you're walking around Madison at 10pm on a Saturday evening you will be politely invited by the slightly tipsy guys walking down your street to go party later...if you should so desire. This invitation was also extended to my mother who was walking with me. 

On the Job:
"Welcome to the over-achievers." 

My team at work. We technically have 6 months to finish training, but I was informed not even an hour into my first day that I will probably be receiving my first customer after about 4 months and I should aim to have everything done by then. My mentor then progressed to give me tips on how to most efficiently and effectively (and quickly) finish training. 

"Prepare to be overwhelmed. Everybody is. "

I asked my mentor who has worked at the company for the past 6 years how he felt about his workload...that was his response. 

God has been so good just in terms of the people I've met here. My mentor is awesome, as is my office mate. I've also met a wonderful woman through training that has been great since she's married, probably in her upper 20's and thus out of the partying stage...she's also Indian (had to find the one other non-white person in my training group!). That comment about the diversity of our group is only slightly exaggerated. 

It’s been quite the adventure thus far, but God has been so faithful in already giving me a church where I feel at home and a community to be a part of.

What advice would you give someone just out of college about life, their first job, or moving to a new city? Any and all thoughts are welcomed! 

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